MTE 103: Mortuary tools and equipment
MMS 116: Microbiology in mortuary science
PAT 116: Pathology I
HPY 113: Human physiology
HPS 103: Human psychology
COS 103: Communication skills

This course is designed to enable the learners to be able to communicate effectively with clients,. colleagues and all other people that they may come into contact with during their work. The learners shall go through the introduction, definition of communication skills, elements and process of communication (sender, objective, message, dispatching, time factor, medium used, receiver, interpretation, response or feedback, the various modes and patterns of communication, learn the active listening skills, and how to write down a report or all the relevant information obtained during encounter with clients. The learners will also be able to practice the necessary skills with each other in simulated scenarios in the skills laboratory for better understanding and mastery.